Overview: The Hillsboro Obituary Index is a database of obituaries found in the Hillsboro Independent, The Argus, the Hillsboro Argus, and the Hillsboro Tribune newspapers from the early 1890s to 2018. Note: the Index is not complete.
To begin, enter known facts in the appropriate blank fields and click on the Find button (or press Enter on your keyboard). The more information added in the search fields, the narrower the results. Note: not all records contain the same information - it may be beneficial to try various search methods to get the best results.
When viewing results, click on the column headings to sort the records and click on the record of interest to view additional details. The Reset button clears all of the fields. The Help button will open a new window with information about this index, the search fields, and the results.
Use the ‘Obituary Source’ field to determine the date, page, and column the obituary was printed in the newspaper. Contact the Hillsboro Brookwood Library to secure a copy of the listed obituary from the library microfilm collection. Obituaries can be mailed or emailed upon request. The microfilm and microfiche are also available for viewing in-person at the Brookwood Library.
Last Name, First Name, Middle Name/Initial, Maiden Name: Enter any part of the deceased person's name in these fields. If only part of the person's name is entered, the search returns all records with names that begin with that string. For example: entering 'Sm' returns last names that begin with 'Sm' like 'Smart', 'Smith', 'Smoot', etc...
Date of Death, Birth Date: Select the person's date of death from these fields. A partial date may be entered but the year is required for a partial date. If a partial date is selected such as 'January 1954', the search returns all records that have a date of death in January, 1954. If only a year is selected, the search returns all records that have a date of death in 1954.
Spouse, Survived By: Enter the spouse's name of the person or part of the spouse's name in this field. The search returns all records with spouses' names that contain the string. For example: entering 'jo' returns records with spouses' names that contain the string 'jo' like 'Martha Jones', 'John Smith', 'Jim Johnson', etc...
Notes: This field may note birth or death location, if there was a photo, the funeral home, or other information related to the deceased. If used as a search field, all records with a ‘Notes’ field containing that search string will be listed.
Obituary Source: This field contains information about the obituary source. Typically the format is Date: Page Number, Column Number. Some records contain multiple source notations when a death announcement was printed prior to the obituary.